Contact us for a custom training package, we offer lease horses as well as school horses and have limited boarding for full training clients. Our goal is to train the horse and rider to be the best they can be. We travel nationwide for horse shows as well as competing locally in Colorado.
Millbrook Equestrian offers lessons in Elizabeth for all riding levels. All riders are required to be in training, with a minimum of two lessons per week taken to ensure safety and progress. Riders need to bring with them a helmet, heeled shoes and a love of horses!
Waiver for new students can be filled out here
Contact us to help build your custom training package, below are our standard rates:
Stall Board Full Training (18 contacts): $1900
Stall Board Half Training (9 contacts): $1700
Run Board Full Training: $1600
Run Board Half Training: $1400
Pasture Board Full Training: $1300
Pasture Board Half Training: $1100
Lesson prices for school horses or private/leased horses:
Private Horse 1x/week: $250
Private Horse 2x/week: $400
Inquire for school horse lesson pricing as it will depend on availability, starting at $750/month for 2x/week
Show coaching:
$75/day for day/weekend shows
$300/week for A shows in state
$450/week for out of state shows
$75 to CHP
Trailering out of state .95/mile
Our horses travel in a state of the art air ride trailer with insulation so they are always comfortable and arrive at shows ready to compete.
Spring: Ocala and Wellington
5/3-4 CHJA
5/7-25 Colorado Horse Park
6/11-22 Colorado Horse Park
6/25-7/6 Spruce Meadows
7/7-20 Colorado Horse Park Zone Championships
7/22-8/3 Traverse City NAYC
8/6-9 Kentucky Pony Finals
8/12-17 Kentucky Bluegrass
9/3-14 Colorado Horse Park
10/8-12 Prix des States
10/15-19 Temecula Zone Champs